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Product Certification BodiesAccreditation Scheme

The goal of the accreditation scheme for a product certification body is to officially approve the competence of a product certification body in certain fields by an accreditation body conforming to relevant laws or international standards through assessment of its management systems and technical competency by qualified assessors.

KOLAS Has been established accreditation schemes in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011
Product Certification Bodies Accredited by KOLAS in accordance with KS Q ISO/IEC 17065 and the requirements announced by the Head of KOLAS
Customers Receive accredited certification reports provided by accredited product certification bodies within the accredited scope, in accordance with relevant standards and technical requirements

If your organization is preparing to apply for KOLAS product certification body accreditation, please review the latest criteria including KOLAS Regulations on the Accreditation of Product Certification Bodies (KS Q ISO/IEC 17065:2014) and KOLAS Regulations on the Accreditation and Assessment of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs), and inquire to the KOLAS Secretariat about relevant procedures and requirements.
(☏ 043-870-5532, 5495, kolast@korea.kr)

Applicable Documents and Laws
-Framework Act on National Standards
-Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on National Standards
-KOLAS Regulations on the Accreditation of Product Certification Bodies
-KOLAS Regulations on the Accreditation and Assessment of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)
-Supplementary Requirements for Each Field of Accreditation

-KS Q ISO/IEC 17011 (ISO/IEC 17011): Conformity Assessment—Requirements for Accreditation Bodies accrediting Conformity Assessment Bodies
-KS Q ISO/IEC 17065 (ISO/IEC 17065): Conformity Assessment—Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
-KS Q ISO/IEC 17067 (ISO/IEC 17067): Conformity Assessment—Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes